


莱特福特市长宣誓就任十大网赌靠谱网址平台第56任市长th 市长

5月20日,Lori E. Lightfoot was sworn in as Chicago’s fifty-sixth 市长 at Wintrust Arena. 这是近年来最大规模的市长宣誓就职仪式. The crowd was excited and the mood was far less formal than in past years, largely due to the fact that 市长 Lightfoot offered her online supporters an opportunity to obtain a free ticket to the event.

在她的就职演说中, 市长 Lightfoot stressed the importance of having a strong education system and safe streets for every child regardless of zip code. 市长 Lightfoot hails from Massillon, Ohio, a small steel town outside of Akron. She came to Chicago to attend University of Illinois Law School and decided quickly this is where she belonged.  她发誓要继续建设这座伟大的城市,让它变得更好, 更强的, 更公平的, 比我们发现的更加繁荣.

莱特富特市长承认纽约市面临财政问题, noting that her staff is already hard at work analyzing the problems and she promised to deliver a plan to put Chicago on a path to fiscal solvency. Part of her plan will undoubtedly include the revenues approved by the Illinois General Assembly in its closing days of session.

莱特富特市长还优先考虑了该市的经济适用房危机, adding that developers can no longer take tax dollars and leave someone else to solve the affordable housing crisis. She noted that Chicago’s stability means supporting our business community, big and small.

The portion of her speech that prompted the most thunderous applause was when she professed Chicago must have integrity. 与古老的谚语形成鲜明对比, “十大网赌靠谱网址平台还没有做好改革的准备,莱特富特市长宣布, “好吧,准备好了。, 改革就在眼前.” She followed up her statement shortly after the inaugural ceremony by signing an Executive Order that directs City department employees, 在没有法律要求的地方, 不服从议员的特权. While her executive order clearly regulates the activities of department employees, 它不能强加于市议会的成员.  实现对议员特权的改革, the City Council will have to adopt a comprehensive series of amendments to various municipal code provisions. Stay tuned to learn more about what reform Chicago’s Aldermanic perogative will take going into the summer.


The 市长al Inaugural Ceremony marked the first time in the history of Chicago that women hold all three Constitutional Offices. In additional to 市长 Lightfoot, Chicago’s City Clerk and new City Treasurer are all women.

梅丽莎·康尼尔-欧文宣誓就任新的市财务主管. She is a native of Chicago, born on the south side and raised on the west side. Treasurer Conyears-Ervin is focused on improving financial services to the un-banked and the under-bank populations of Chicago. As City Treasurer she will also hold a seat on the city’s pension boards and it is expected she will play in integral role in helping restore  Chicago’s fiscal health.

Anna Valencia was sworn in as City Clerk, after winning her first election to this seat in February. 她自第一次被任命以来一直担任这个职位, 当时的伊曼纽尔市长, 于2016年12月填补职位空缺. 在被任命后不久, 职员瓦伦西亚获得了十大网赌靠谱网址平台市议会的批准, an optional government-issued identification card offered to all Chicago residents. This ID was originally created to help reduce barriers for those who have difficulty obtaining a government-issued ID card. It has grown to include discounts and other benefits for all Chicago residents.


The 50 Aldermen who make up the Chicago City Council were also sworn in on May 20. 在这50人中, 有12位新的市议员, 7 of whom categorize themselves as Democratic Socialists bringing the total number of Democratic Socialists in the City Council to 8. Two of the newly elected Aldermen add to the ranks of the Progressive Caucus, 这一组的总数达到了9人. 这两个团体的票数加起来是16票, but that still falls 10 votes short of the 26 needed to pass an ordinance. The new City Council is comprised of 20 African Americans, 12 Hispanics, 18 Whites and 15 women. 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 played a role in a number of Aldermanic races and fared well overall. Almost all of the incumbent Aldermen and Aldermanic candidates supported by the BOMA were successful.


在5月29日休会的市议会会议上, the Chicago City Council approved the new City Council Committee make-up for the coming term.  市长 Lightfoot engineered a number of changes to the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the City Council 委员会.  There was little opposition to these changes and they were approved on a voice vote. 以下是BOMA最常合作的主要委员会.

分区,地标 & 建筑标准
主席:Thomas Tunney(44岁)th 病房)
副主席:Ariel Reboyras(30岁)th 病房)

主席:Scott waguespack(32岁nd 病房)
副主席:莱斯利·海尔斯顿(5th 病房)

预算 & 政府运作
主持人:Patricia Dowell (3)rd 病房)
副主席:Deborah Silverstein(50岁)th 病房)

运输 & 公开的方式
主席:霍华德·布鲁金斯(21岁st 病房)
副主席:Michael Rodriguez(22岁)nd 病房)

主席:Chris Taliaferro(29岁th 病房)
副主席:Harry Osterman(48岁)th 病房)

健康 & 环境保护(分为两个委员会,见下文)

  • 环境保护 & 能源
    主席:乔治·卡德纳斯(12th 病房)
    副主席:萨曼莎·纽金特(39岁th 病房)
  • 人际关系 & 健康
    主席:罗德里克·索耶(6th 病房)
    副主席:詹姆斯·卡普尔曼(46岁th 病房)


玫琳凯·米纳汉是 MKM服务, which has been providing effective lobbying services to associations and businesses for more than 20 years.  开始前 MKM服务, she served as Executive Director of the Federation of Women Contractors (FWC) and was actively involved in issues affecting the construction industry.  在为FWC工作之前,Ms .. Minaghan served as Director of Government Affairs for the Chicago Association of REALTORS®.  She served as chief lobbyist for the REALTORS® before the Chicago City Council and the Cook County Board of Commissioners, directed the organization’s grass roots efforts and managed the organization’s sizeable political action committee.