
Gold Circle Award Profile: 考特尼哈姆 with MB Real E状态 at One North LaSalle

考特尼哈姆, Vice President and General Manager with MB Real E状态 at One North LaSalle, was named 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台's 2020 Property Management Professional of the Year.


My first job was working at the local mall a few days a week in high school. 我在一家服装店工作. 不幸的是, 我学到的叠衣服的技巧并没有转化成我对叠衣服和整理衣服的热爱!


How did you get involved in the commercial real e状态 industry?

My mother served as a property manager and developer in commercial real e状态 for 25 years. Through her, I found out that I loved learning the ins-and-outs of a building. 我被幕后的活动所吸引,并对保持一切顺利进行所需要的东西感到敬畏. 这段经历让我大开眼界,激发了我对商业地产的热情. 谢谢,妈妈!

You oversaw the design and build-out of The Landmark, the building's tenant amenity floor complete with a full-service fitness center, wi - fi休息室, 屋顶露台, 会议设施, 及管理处. 在规划、建设和推出过程中,你有哪些经验可以与其他成员分享?

哦,天哪,这可能是一长串的课程. First, and this applies to almost any big endeavor, don't be afraid to ask questions. 在监督这么大的项目时, 有很多活动的部分, 涉及到很多不同的行业. As a property manager, we are Jacks and Jills of all trades, but not necessarily masters. 利用这些专业人士的十大网赌靠谱网址平台和知识,尽你所能地学习.

也, it is important to include as much of your team in the process as possible. 参与现场工作人员, 从物业管理员到日间搬运工,以及中间的每一个人都给他们一种自豪感和归属感,以及对大局的理解. This can make the entire process much more manageable from the onset.

最后,我想说玩得开心! Someday in the future you will honestly be able to say that you "built" something. 而且,当回顾这个过程时,美好的回忆将超过小挫折.

Considering COVID, where do you see Chicago's CRE industry heading in the years ahead? Or what future trends do you predict about coworking, amenities and/or tenant spaces?

十大网赌靠谱网址平台是一个充满活力的城市. The industry may change based on tenants' needs and wants, but we will adapt our real e状态 offerings to what people desire—we will march forward. The social distancing we all require now hopefully will not be the standard in the future, 我们的工作空间不会有太大的变化. I wish I had a crystal ball to see when and how this pandemic will finally end. But I'm certain it will end—it's a matter of when not if. 我们会熬过去的.


I'm not sure if we have enough space for me to talk about all of our new safety precautions! Our dedication to the safety of the workplace seems to be shared by the on-site staff, 业主, 以及MB房地产公司, 所以我们都达成了共识, and that has led to an abundance of new safety measures.

从第一天起, 我们都听了当地的指导, 状态, 以及联邦公共卫生当局, 疾控中心和世界卫生组织也是如此, and that's been the basis for our cleaning and disinfection policies. The biggest help to us has been directly consulting with leading epidemiologists, like Dr. 艾米丽兰登, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台大学医学中心感染预防和控制医学副教授和执行医学主任. MB房地产公司甚至还举办了网络研讨会. 兰登和我们已经能够向她请教,以确定如何在不危及人员或浪费十大网赌靠谱网址平台的情况下实际对抗冠状病毒.

我们的COVID-19行动计划是什么样的? We have hand sanitizer in the elevator lobby on the main floor. We've posted CDC educational information in high-traffic areas for tenants, 安装MERV 14空气过滤器, 增加了外部空气吸入的百分比. 我们关闭了不允许社交距离的共享空间,甚至还开放了一些空间——租户现在可以在健身中心安排安全的锻炼.

我们已经做了很多, 主要是因为我们有一些非常聪明的饼干, 包括MB房地产的项目服务, 在工作中. 我们从第一阶段开始, 我们在哪里策略性地应对疫情,尽一切可能为租户提供住宿. 我们现在在很多方面都超越了这一点,我们真正关注的是更具战略性的应对措施,我们可以改善重返办公室的员工的体验.

If we need to walk some of our policies back for the sake of safety, 我们不会犹豫, but we've also strategized how to move forward as the pandemic fades.


面对面的互动, 以前的黄金法则是什么, 是现在尽量避免的. We try to supplement emails and phone calls with a Microsoft Teams meeting, Skype for Business或Zoom呼叫. 保持联系是非常重要的. 我们也更频繁地对租户进行调查,以深入了解这些前所未有的时代的各种主题.

Once the COVID vaccine is released, what is one of the first things you will do?

I will unabashedly hang out with my friends and family and give lots of hugs! 我会把我的许多面具(尽管它们很时尚)放在抽屉里,希望永远不要再用, and I will no longer have to lament my glasses fogging up.

你是十大网赌靠谱网址平台改造计划的成员. 作为这个项目的一部分,你和你的建筑获得了哪些好处?你会推荐其他建筑成员加入吗?

当你收到ComEd或Peoples 能源的退税支票直接用于项目费用时, and you capture ongoing reductions in utility expenses for the foreseeable future, it makes asking ownership to continue to spend on projects that much easier. 也, 通过能够实施新项目, you get to learn about something you might never have been able to be involved in.

你领导了环路第一个狗友好建筑项目的设计和实施. 你有什么建议与他人分享,使这个项目对租户和大楼都有利? 有什么经验可以分享吗?

就像我在a里写的 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的博客, 狗真的能让一个建筑感觉不仅仅是四面墙,在里面做生意. 我们刚出发的时候, 很明显,养狗可以提高员工士气,为租户创造一个更积极的工作环境, 事实证明我们是对的. 对于企业主, the ability to bring your pup to the office can really help recruit new employees.

The most important thing for a dog-friendly policy is a well-vetted policy. Think of all possible scenarios beforehand as possible, from leash requirements to weight restrictions and behavioral and health rules. 在你把狗放出去之前, do everything you can to communicate your policy to everyone within the building accurately. 与所有人开会,从安全到工程,再到你的日常搬运工,确保你们都在同一页上. And educate tenants by hosting events, such as happy hours, where dogs are welcome to join.

最后,要有一个处理“意外”的计划." You want the building to be friendly toward dogs, not to go to the dogs.

Tell us about some of the charitable causes your building and tenants support. How did you select the organizations and why are they so important? How do your contributions and outreach make an impact?

一个北拉萨尔每年都参加一场大衣运动,使救世军受益,以及BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台为大十大网赌靠谱网址平台食品储存库举办的食品运动. 去年, 这座建筑收集了超过369磅的食物, or 308 quality meals for hungry families for the drive. The building also participates annually in the Big Brothers, Big Sisters back-to-school supply/backpack drives; holds Blood and Bone Marrow drives benefitting the American Red Cross and National Marrow Donor Program; collects candy for Off the Street Club's Halloween celebration; and "lights up" for special causes, 比如乳腺癌和卵巢癌, 以及对自闭症的认识.

我认为重要的是要有各种各样的原因引起人们的关注,并允许人们捐款. 当你想到每天从前门走过的人的数量, you realize that people of all walks of life are affected in real, 有形的方式,比如饥饿, 养家糊口, 或疾病. Each person has a cause that is near and dear to them, 尽可能多地参与到给予他人的机会中,可以让人们以他们以前认为不可能的方式参与进来.

What piece of advice would you share with our emerging leaders?

参与其中,提出问题,纵身潜入池子的深处,即使你不知道答案! 我认为没有哪个经理会不欣赏那些想要学习并试图自己理解事情的团队成员,而不是仅仅寻找递给他们的答案. 我知道,当我投入到新的经历中时,我总是对自己更有信心,并为未来获得了宝贵的学习经验. 你永远不知道什么时候你会成为某个特定话题的专家,或者你会为自己打开什么样的门.

Throughout your membership with 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台, what experiences stand out the most to you?

了解行业内的其他人. It's quite a small world we work in and having made connections, 和朋友, with other industry leaders over the years has been wonderful.


我一直很喜欢《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》. It's for a great cause, and it happens to be at one of my favorite times of the year. 此外,托比/金圈奖一直是该行业一年中最好的夜晚之一! 这是每个人闪耀的夜晚, whether their building is up for a TOBY or they are personally up for a Gold Circle Award. 每个人都全力以赴, 他们所有的辛勤工作和奉献精神都得到了整个行业的认可. It really is a celebration of all that those in commercial property management do best.